The Sacred Path

A 1:1 entrepreneurship coaching program designed to unblock the abundance within.

Why you?

YOU are influential.
YOU were born to create.
YOU are a source of wild uninhibited energy longing to express.
It is time to lean into your gifts and create the life you deserve. 

But you’re not sure where to begin...

Do you have a business that you can’t get off the ground?
Do you want to be doing something meaningful but can’t figure out what?
Do you long to be your own boss and create your own schedule?
Are you ready to turn your income into a passive stream so you can shift your focus?

I can help.

It is time to awaken YOUR fierce and divine self.
Inside of you, there is a passion so big that it can overflow out of you and becomes part of everything you create.

Let that passion create the unique offering that you will provide to the world.

We are all here for a divine purpose. I can help you discover yours.

I’m Sarah - a certified dharma and entrepreneurship coach who helps change makers (you!) break through limiting beliefs and old blocks, find your voice, and discover your soul’s purpose. My Sacred Path coaching program will help you step into your highest self, allowing you to develop your unique gifts, and create a superhero strategy to offer them to the world.

Why am I uniquely experienced to help you?

In 2015 my husband left me unexpectedly with a 3 and a 1-year-old. I was a stay-at-home mom with a minimum wage earning potential. I was poverty-stricken, overwhelmed, and completely lost. But I fought back! Within 2 years I had turned a small recipe blog into a 6-figure business. A year later, I had 4 employees and was living completely off passive income.

After that I…

  • launched my first business, making six figures within the second year

  • hired a small team to run my business so that I was making a PASSIVE 6-figure income, allowing me to launch my second business.

  • started a women’s entrepreneurial group, supporting many women launch successful businesses

  • and most importantly, live with a deeply grounded purpose that is my guiding light

If I can do it, YOU can most certainly do it, too.

The Core Pillars of Sacred Path

  • RECLAIM your worth

    Everything is a reflection of everything else. When you have low worth, low vibrations will match. In order to create abundance and purpose, you must raise your worth. Through channeling your highest self, changing your self talk, and establishing healthy boundaries, you learn how to love and honor your divine self.

  • EXPAND your story

    We must break free from the limiting stories that keep us small. Our story is our way back home. Now is the time to expose old blocks and limiting beliefs, acknowledge the strength of your life experience, and let your story guide you to your superpowers as you open up the path of reconnection and abundance.

  • DEVOTE to purpose

    Success means to never stop showing up. Life is practice. If you want to build a badass life, you must be devoted to that goal every day. By establishing mindfulness routines, incorporating daily movement, and creating healthy eating and sleeping routines you are practicing a life of conscious awareness and growth.

  • COMMIT to Action

    Once the foundation is set, it is time to take action! When your worth is high, your story is expanded, and your devotion is strong, your energy becomes unblocked and your purpose becomes clear. From here, we can begin to embody our dharma. We begin building an action plan that will take you from step one to launch.

The Sacred Path Experience

The Sacred Path Coaching program is a 6 months of deep dive to help you align, develop, and manifest your soul’s purpose.

This coaching package includes…

1) Twelve 60-minute semi-weekly coaching calls

Semi-Weekly strategic lessons built on the framework of the four pillars: Reclaim, Expand, Devote, and Commit

During these calls, I will help you…

  • create daily mindfulness and self care habits

  • work through money blocks and other limiting beliefs that are keeping you small

  • change toxic thought patterns and learn mind control

  • create habits that support your badass entrepreneurial self and take you to the NEXT LEVEL

  • gain clarity around your purpose and how to uniquely deliver it to the world

  • create a dharma blueprint for you to take with you on your dharmic journey

  • strategize on business growth, creating concrete goals and an action plan to match

  • build your business from wherever you are so that you are ready to launch and attract your ideal clients

  • manifest your WILDEST dreams

2) Sacred Path worksheets with weekly assignments journal prompts, and more

3) Supplemental podcasts, articles, meditations, and book recommendations

4) Access to all my templates, systems, and calendars

5) Unlimited 1:1 Voxer and Email Support - It’s like I’m always with you!

6) Access to my membership community The Creatrix Collective

7) Lifetime Subscription to The Sacred Circle Newsletter

What results you can expect?

After our 6 months together, you can expect to have…

  • A grounded sense of self, purpose, and worth

  • Attunement to the divine and abundant energy inside of you

  • A strategy for breaking through limiting beliefs and replacing them with powerful affirmations

  • Cleared energy and money blocks to allow abundance to flow

  • Healthy and sustainable habits to optimize your mind, body, and spirit

  • Knowledge of your ideal client and how to magnetically attract them

  • Developed your offerings, framework, programs, and/or courses

  • Designed a home for your business on the internet (website, social channels, newsletter)

  • Created a marketing strategy to take you from A to Freedom!!

  • Learned skills to turn your hourly rate into a passive income

There is a happier, more successful version of yourself available to you right now. You simply have to choose it.

Sarah is an incredible coach and I am so grateful for the time working with her. She gave me the tools, guidance, support, and confidence to launch my own coaching program. I came to Sarah knowing I wanted to do more with my life and through collaborative and thoughtful coaching she was able to help me run straight toward my goals removing the barriers in my way. When I came to Sarah I had no plan and no direction; but now I have a fully developed coaching program, resources for continued growth, confidence in my knowledge, and skill to achieve my goals.

-Jackie B.

The Investment

Option One: Pay in full: $2700

Option Two: Six monthly payments of $450

The Package Includes

Twelve 60-Minute 1:1 Coaching Calls

In between session support (email & voxer)

Sacred Path Worksheets, Practices, and Rituals

Access to all my templates, systems, and calendars

Subscription to The Healing Circle

Membership to The Creatrix Collective

A Library of Resources:

Guided meditations, podcasts, pre-recorded videos, book recommendations,
breath work, and more!

The Sacred Path is for…

Bloggers and Influencers

Are you willing to invest a few hours a week so that you can become your own boss?
Are you ready to live the life you want by stepping into your highest self?
If others can do it, why isn’t it possible for you?
